
Over eating around the holiday’s is quite common and we are all guilty of this occasionally.  Overeating on a daily basis however, may mean there are deeper issues that need resolve.   A few questions to ask yourself are: What do I lack in my life that I allow myself to continue to overeat ever day?   When did my overeating start and then escalate?   Why do I over eat?  Do I eat to relieve stress?  How is my relationship with food–do I respect it or abuse it?

In light of all the information we have today on the harmful effects of overeating and excess weight, many still cannot change this course in their lives.   One alternative to the many methods to weight management is hypnosis.  Hypnosis sessions have changed lives with excellent and life long positive results.   The sessions are stress free and relaxing.  If you feel you are ready to make a change, then there is no better time for your health than in the New Year.

All In Good Health,
